Friday, March 7, 2008

Random pictures

So Monkey and I have been sick. I should have known that we were going to get sick. Tuesday I thought I was going to die. I chalked it up to anxiety but for 2 more days I had a tummy ache...

Anyway... here is some pictures of Monkey enjoying the weather before we made it under the weather

This is MONKEY after his play group!! He always does a craft and it always involves paint. He loves it though. So that is all that matters. We always stop an get a burger for lunch that day to so he has Ketchup!! (His fav)0n his face.
Monkey is in LOVE with Bubbles so we have to blow them a million times and the WHOLE time we are out there! He also plays with Paint while we are out there. He thinks the paint is hair gel and always puts it in his hair. He always gets so dirty and has so much fun. He is the best and cutest little boy in all of Arizona and possibly the world ( If I do say so myself.) My favorite... is his little feet.. Dad took these as we were all ready for bed. What cute little man!!!!

1 comment:

Jen said...

He is just so stinkin' adorable! COME VISIT!!!!! I tagged you for a meme if you're bored and want to participate, let me know so I can come read what you posted! Have a great day!